For the Arts Educator.

Looking to prepare your students for the “business” of The Business? We at Hungry Creatives know the importance of entrepreneurial education in the artist’s journey. Let us come to your pre professional convention or collegiate program and teach a one day seminar on building your base as a financially literate artist. During this course we will discuss preparation for the business of “you".” We will cover everything from building your resume, managing freelance taxes, finding side hustles and starting a career as a hungry creative and not a starving artist.

What People Are Saying

“it really helped to know what to expect in the future.”

— Student


“I now feel comfortable knowing its is possible to survive with the right tools and knowledge”

— Student

“I was curious about what kind career options there are in the entertainment industry. This seminar went into detail about each and what the start up costs for those careers look like.”

— Student

“it showed me the realistic aspects of working in the arts industry.”

— Student


Full Pitch Deck Available By Request.